Stephanie Webb
Name: Stephanie Webb
Born: In January on the best day ever
Status: Married with kids
Alma mater: Beavercreek HS and Sinclair Community College
What’s on my TV: Anything that’s funny and nothing that’s scary.
What’s in my iPOD: I don’t have one of those...
What’s on my bookshelf: I frequently visit the library
Favorite flicks: Too many to mention...
Web bookmarks: Google and Wikipedia. That’s about it
Worst habit: Nothing, I am perfect. HA! Again, too many to mention.
Love to trade places for a day with: Queen Elizabeth because I have always wanted to live in a Castle.
First job: Food server at a retirement home.
Talent I’d most like to have: To be able to write a novel like Janet Evanovich. Also, to have the ability to always be early. Or at least on time. Or arrive anywhere close to the time I was supposed to be there.
For dinner: Depends on when I went to the grocery last
Favorite architect: I know it’s cliché but I love, love his designs! Frank Lloyd Wright of course!
Favorite city to visit: New York
Favorite value in others: Honesty and kindness
My greatest love: My husband and kids
My heroes: My Parents
My bucket list: Travel but only in the U.S. because flying over water scares me
My motto: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
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