Rick Holmes, AIA
Name: Rick Holmes
Born: June 25, 1953 ( The 100th anniversary of Custer’s Last Stand)
Status: Yes
Alma mater: University of Cincinnati
What’s on my TV: Rabbit Ears
love to trade places for a day with: Brett Farve
what’s in my ipod: What is that?
What’s on my bookshelf: Dust
What I drive: A hard bargin
Favorites flicks: Eraserhead
Web bookmarks: Charlotte’s – No that’s not it. The ADA GUIDELINES website
Worst habit: None
On my office walls: I have no walls
First job: Delivering the Shopping News
Talent I’d most like to have: Yes
For dinner: Meryl Streep
Favorite architect: Me!
Favorite city to visit: Chicago
Favorite value in others: Reclusiveness
My greatest love: Vickie
My heroes: Larry, Curley & Moe
My bucket list: Travel to Europe
My motto: Watch what everyone else is doing and then do the opposite
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