Emily Culver
Name: Emily Culver
Born: Dayton, Ohio
Alma mater: University of Cincinnati
What’s on my TV: It’s Always Sunny, Arrested Development, Dexter, Mad Men, and so many more.
What’s in my iPOD: NPR podcasts and thousands of songs…
What’s on my bookshelf: Too many to list…an empty space awaiting my Kindle?
What I drive: Fit
Favorites flicks: The impossible question for a movie junkie.
Web bookmarks: nytimes.com; soulemama.com; gmail.com; ravelry.com
Worst habit: Distraction
On my office walls: Color
Love to trade places for a day with: Denyse Schmidt
First job: Babysitter
Talent I’d most like to have: Crazy dance moves…
For dinner: Pizza
Favorite architect: Sauerbruch Hutton
Favorite city to visit: Boston
Favorite value in others: Compassion
My greatest love: Life
My heroes: My parents
My bucket list: I’m living it.
My motto: If it isn’t fun, why do it? –Ben & Jerry
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